ICAN is excited to announce the
following speakers for the 2009 conference:
Keynote Speakers

Buckley |
Sarah J Buckley is a trained GP/family physician,
an internationally-acclaimed writer on gentle choices in
pregnancy, birth, and parenting, and mother to Emma, Zoe, Jacob
and Maia, all born gently at home, 1990 to 2000.
Sarah's Australian book Gentle
Birth, Gentle Mothering is available in the US from Jan 2009. She has
presented at numerous conferences and has been interviewed on
issues related to birth and mothering for TV, radio, and for
educational and birth-related DVDs. Sarah is also a member of
Mothering magazine's website expert panel.

Buonaugurio |
Steve Buonaugurio was trained as a sociologist
and teacher. In his personal and professional life, Buonaugurio's
favorite question is, "If you knew you couldn't fail, what would
you do?"
When Steve's wife Mandy became pregnant, Steve
immediately saw that something was wrong with the way women were
being treated in the American maternity system. He thought a movie
would help create a better environment for women in the US. But
since he had never made a movie before and knew nothing about
filmmaking, he thought maybe he'd just send an email to Michael
Moore about the problem.
Then Buonaugurio realized that one-day he may
ask his own child his favorite question, "If you knew you couldn't
fail, what would you do?"
Buonaugurio knew he would have to walk the talk.
The answer to his own question: write, direct and produce
Pregnant in America.

Eugene Declercq |
Eugene R. Declercq is professor
of maternal and child health and Assistant Dean for Doctoral
Education at Boston University School of Public Health. He
combines formal training in political science with his almost
twenty years of experience as a certified childbirth educator to
examine policy and practice around childbirth in the US and
He has
served as lead author of two national studies of women's
experiences in childbirth entitled Listening to Mothers.
He's published numerous research articles and is (very gradually)
working on a book on cesarean childbirth. He was a technical
advisor to the film documentary, The Business of Being Born.
Jenkins |
Susan M. Jenkins, a partner in The
Sanchez Law Firm, is also Legal Counsel for The Big Push for
Midwives Campaign. She is a graduate of Columbia University School
of Law, and has practiced in the field of health care law for over
twenty years, specializing in legal issues that affect midwives
and other health professionals, and representing state and
national professional societies and non-profit organizations as
well as individuals. Ms. Jenkins recently joined ICAN, following
the successful vbac delivery of her youngest grandchild.

Shafia Monroe |
Shafia M. Monroe is the Founder and President of
International Center for Traditional Childbearing (ICTC) and
community activist devoted to infant mortality prevention,
breastfeeding promotion, and increasing the number of midwives
of color. In addition to being a Certified Midwife by the
Massachusetts Midwives Alliance, she is also a Childbirth
Educator, a Doula Trainer, and mother of seven children. She is
a health activist, organizer, and international speaker. She
holds a BA in sociology, with a concentration in medical
sociology, from the University of Massachusetts.

Joni Nichols |
Joni Nichols is a midwife, doula, and childbirth
educator. She has helped create Plenitude, a special
birthing community in Guadalajara, Mexico.
She is married and mother to three young adult
Breakout Speakers

Alyce Adams |
Alyce Adams, RN is the Kegel Queen. She offers
women her original, comprehensive, research-based pelvic floor
muscle training program through her website. Alyce is a longtime
advocate for home birth and midwifery. In addition to women's
health, Alyce's passions include home cooking, homeschooling,
poetry, and politics.
Alyce lives with her family in Rochester,
New York, USA.

Ruth Ancheta |
Ruth Ancheta has been a childbirth educator
and advocate since 1981. She earned a Master's degree in Public
Service/Medical Administration, focusing on people's responses
to change in medical settings. Her most eye-opening job so far
involved interviewing 2250 women who were pregnant again after
previously giving birth by cesarean. She wrote the original VBAC
Source Book (later turned into a teaching kit in collaboration
with Nicette Jukelevics), and the Childbirth Skills Teaching
Kit. She is working with Penny Simkin now on the third edition
of their Labor Progress Handbook. The Anchetas have two
independent adult daughters.

Pam Chubbuck |
Pamela L Chubbuck PhD, is a former midwife and
La Leche League Leader who has worked with birth and parenting
for over 35 years. A psychotherapist with over three decades of
experience in Mind/Body Medicine, Pam is the director of Core
Energetics Institute South and is an International Trainer and
speaker, who trains and supervises therapists. Pam is a
published author of numerous articles, and five books including
the internationally acclaimed Passages Into Womanhood:
Empowering Girls to Love Themselves. Mother of 3,
grandmother of 9, Pam has a private therapy practice in Metro

Christie Craigie-Carter |
Christie Craigie-Carter MA, is a Licensed Mental Health
Counselor, ICAN Mental Health Chair, public speaker, and an
HBA2C mother.

Jennifer Griebenow |
Jamison Griebenow, MA, Phi Beta
Kappa, is a psychology minor and mother of three—one born by
cesarean, two at home. A former chapter leader and board member of
ICAN, she is currently homeschooling her children.

Susan Hodges |
Susan Hodges, an
activist for midwifery since 1985, is a founder and the current
president of Citizens for Midwifery, a national grassroots
organization promoting the Midwives Model of Care. She is a member
of the Consumer Panel of the Cochrane Collaboration's Pregnancy
and Childbirth Group, a member of the Evidence and Action
Committee of the Coalition for Improving Maternity Services, and
she was a consumer member (1994-1996) of NARM's Certification Task
Force that created the Certified Professional Midwife credential.
Her two children were born at home with midwives. Susan has
presented many workshops and talks; publications include: A
consumer viewpoint: Challenges for Birth-Related Research.
(BIRTH 27:4 Dec 2000).

Teresa Howard |
Teresa Howard is a certified labor and
postpartum doula, certified lactation educator, certified
childbirth educator, and retired La Leche League leader. She is a
mother of three and grandmother of four. The owner of a group of
doulas and educators in Atlanta. She is most recently also a
breast cancer survivor.

Gretchen Humphries |
Gretchen Humphries is the Advocacy Director for
ICAN, the ICAN email list administrator, and co-leader of the
Ann Arbor Chapter. She is also a Veterinarian, working in
emergency and critical care at the
Animal ER Center in Southeastern Michigan. She has written
extensively on birth topics and many of her essays can be found at
Birth Matters.
She’s the mother of 4 wonderful children and the wife of a man who
realized how much they’d both lost with the cesarean, after his
third child was born at home. She’s had one cesarean for breech
twins and then 2 wonderful HBACs.

Sandy Jones |
Sandy Jones, M.A., is the author of 12 books
and hundreds of articles on pregnancy, childbirth, baby care and
baby gear, including Great Expectations: Your All-in-One
Resource for Pregnancy & Childbirth. She has a Master's Degree
in Psychology and is the mother of one daughter, Marcie, the
co-author with her of the Great Expectations book series from
Sterling Publishing. She has led "Mothers' Empowerment"
workshops in the U.S. and Europe as well as "Healing from the
Trauma of Birth" sharing groups for moms.

Stacy Kerr |
Stacey Marie Kerr, M.D. graduated
from the University of California Davis Medical School in 1989 and
is currently a board certified family physician. Until recently,
she had an active private practice in all aspects of clinical
medicine that included adult medicine, obstetrics, pediatrics,
surgery, and general preventive care. In 2004, she retired from
her business of family practice. Dr. Kerr is a member of the
California and American Academy of Family Physicians. She holds a
B.S. in Education/Special Education from the University of
Missouri, Columbia Missouri. She has been published in the Journal
of the American Medical Association, currently writes a monthly
newspaper column, and is the author of
Homebirth in the Hospital.

Polly Perez |
Polly Perez is a perinatal
nurse, lecturer, childbirth educator, doula/monitrice and has been
involved in maternity care for over 40 years.

Rose St. John |
Rose St. John is a doula, childbirth educator,
yoga instructor and most recently, author. She brings over 25
years of experience guiding couples towards the birth they desire
to her new passion, preparing fathers for the work of supporting
their partner in birth and beyond. Rose is the creator of the St
John Birthing Method (tm) which combines her trademark approach:
straightforward and practical while at the same time conceptual
and transcendent.
Debbie Schneider |
Debbie Schneider is a Certified
Professional Midwife (CPM), a Maya Abdominal
Massage Certified Practitioner, and has attended
over 400 homebirths. Debbie has been interested
in alternative therapies for many years, she has
studied herbology formally and informally for 18
years, and is currently formally studying
homeopathy in relation to midwifery.

Sharon Storton |
Sharon Storton is a Licensed
Psychotherapist and a Certified Hypnotherapist in private practice
in Campbell, California, specializing in women’s wellness.
She is an active member the Coalition for Improving
Maternity Services, as well as a participating member of several
leading women’s health and advocacy organizations.
Sullivan |
Eileen Sullivan is a Certified EFT Practitioner and holistic
doula/doula trainer. She has worked with expectant and new
mothers and families as a childbirth educator, birth and
postpartum doula, La Leche League Leader and ICAN Chapter
Leader, and with birth professionals as a mentor, doula
trainer and birth advocate for over 20 years. She now
specializes in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) for the
childbearing year, including preparing for labor and birth,
VBAC, and resolving PTSD/traumatic birth experiences.
Eileen works with women, families, and birth professionals
in her local area of Charlotte, NC, and has an international
practice via EFT phone sessions, teleclasses, and webinars.
She is also the author of numerous articles including the
classic, “VBAC: Relative Risks of Uterine Rupture.” |
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Cesarean Awareness Network, Inc. (ICAN) is a nonprofit organization
founded in 1982. ICAN's mission is to improve
maternal-child health by preventing unnecessary cesareans through
education, providing support for cesarean recovery, and promoting
Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC).
Contact ICAN at 1-800-686-ICAN or conference@ican-online.org

The International Cesarean Awareness Network, Inc. ©